Hand in hand with my love of writing is my love of photography. Not the technical parts (about which I remain doggedly ignorant), but the composition and framing of photos. When I’m out and about, my camera comes with me, and I have taken many photos that give me joy. And some, remarkably, have won the approval of others. As a regular entrant in Randwick Council’s International Women’s Day Art Prize for all forms of art, and with many formidably brilliant entries, it was exciting – a few years ago – not only to have “Bird song” win the Councillors’ Prize, but also to have it being purchased by a councillor. And in 2020 I nearly fell off my chair during the awards, on hearing that “Somewhere over the horizon there’s a place that I dream of” had won first prize. Attempting portraits is a whole other story, however – I haven’t yet made the short list of the National Photographic Portrait Competition. So, still worlds to conquer.
It's a metaphor
Sunrise sculpture
Round and about a walk in the park
Bird song
The pose
Somewhere over the blue horizon there's a place that I dream of
The kiss?